あらゆるものが出尽くして、トレンドレスがトレンドと言われるこの時代。女性がより自立し、あらゆるものに "自分らしさ" を求めています。
And a strong and supple, bold and delicate. And Japanese women continue to give off its charm forever. Women and such adult, WOMAN is a salon for men to support women praise. This era is said everything is Detsukushi, trend-less a trend. Women are more independent, to everything I asked for "individuality". Color list to bring on fascinating color, stylists create a style, each specialist is present, I am with a wealth of knowledge and sharp sense, the high sophisticated technology in WOMAN. The grant, while aware of the moderate trends, and to cherish the thought of customers of each person, and pull the new more attractive.